This is the complete dataset for the 500 Cities project 2016 release. This dataset includes 2013, 2014 model-based small area estimates for 27 measures of chronic disease related to unhealthy behaviors (5), health outcomes (13), and use of preventive services (9). Data were provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Population Health, Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch. The project was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) in conjunction with the CDC Foundation. It represents a first-of-its kind effort to release information on a large scale for cities and for small areas within those cities. It includes estimates for the 500 largest US cities and approximately 28,000 census tracts within these cities. These estimates can be used to identify emerging health problems and to inform development and implementation of effective, targeted public health prevention activities. Because the small area model cannot detect effects due to local interventions, users are cautioned against using these estimates for program or policy evaluations. Data sources used to generate these measures include Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data (2013, 2014), Census Bureau 2010 census population data, and American Community Survey (ACS) 2009-2013, 2010-2014 estimates. More information about the methodology can be found at
Note: During the process of uploading the 2015 estimates, CDC found a data discrepancy in the published 500 Cities data for the 2014 city-level obesity crude prevalence estimates caused when reformatting the SAS data file to the open data format. . The small area estimation model and code were correct. This data discrepancy only affected the 2014 city-level obesity crude prevalence estimates on the Socrata open data file, the GIS-friendly data file, and the 500 Cities online application. The other obesity estimates (city-level age-adjusted and tract-level) and the Mapbooks were not affected. No other measures were affected. The correct estimates are update in this dataset on October 25, 2017.