Total Medicaid Enrollees - VIII Group Break Out Report Reported on the CMS-64
The enrollment information is a state-reported count of unduplicated individuals enrolled in the state’s Medicaid program at any time during each month in the quarterly reporting period. The enrollment data identifies the total number of Medicaid enrollees and, for states that have expanded Medicaid, provides specific counts for the number of individuals enrolled in the new adult eligibility group, also referred to as the “VIII Group”. The VIII Group is only applicable for states that have expanded their Medicaid programs by adopting the VIII Group. This data includes state-by-state data for this population as well as a count of individuals whom the state has determined are newly eligible for Medicaid. All 50 states, the District of Columbia and the US territories are represented in these data.
1. “VIII GROUP” is also known as the “New Adult Group.”
2. The VIII Group is only applicable for states that have expanded their Medicaid programs by adopting the VIII Group. VIII Group enrollment information for the states that have not expanded their Medicaid program is noted as “N/A.”